Access the
Magic of NLP for only $1.55/day!

The Dirty Secret of NLP Training is that it Truly is AWESOME, MAGICAL, LIFE-CHANGING!
But the effect fades over time...
I don’t know about you, but when I first took NLP it was magical, awesome, fantastic and then a couple of weeks after the course ended, life got in the way.
BUT - lucky me, my trainer graciously allowed me to come back again and guess what? It was magical, awesome, fantastic and I regained my awesome superpowers:
- I could interpret body language better than anyone
- I could make positive changes to my own behavioral patterns
- I could help my friends overcome significant challenges
- I had the skills to get strong insight into what was really going on inside people’s heads
- By listening closely to language, I had a strong sense of how to motivate, help and positively influence people
- (there's more but I won't bore you)
Pretty cool huh? But guess what happened? Yup…again, life. Without the ongoing stimulus of the material the magical experience and skills tend to fade. (and the phenomenon that the magic seemed to be 'anchored' to the training room)
This went through a few more cycles, and I even leveled up and completed my Master Practitioner training to become an NLP Ninja (and I did) but It was only when I became a trainer that the material became part of me. Why? Because I HAD to be be immersed in it on a regular basis because it was part of the world that I now lived in.
In an NLP course, the magic happens in the training room, but now I had to take the magic with me. That was the crucial difference.
In the process of becoming and being a trainer for over 20 years I was able to do that. but I know it's difficult and 've been trying to figure out how to design a program keep my students immersed in the fantastic, life changing, awesome, magical material of NLP ever since.
People overestimate what they can achieve in a month, but vastly underestimate what they can accomplish in a year.
What if this morning an NLP Expert whispered,"Here's a quick NLP Lesson. Today pay attention to this as you interact with people..."
...and revived a bit of NLP you forgot or even better, something you had never heard before?
That would probably be a pretty good day wouldn't it?
What if it happened again tomorrow?
How fantastic would it be if that happened every single day for a year?
That is what the NLP Daily MicroDose Training is all about: continued growth in the knowledge and understanding of what NLP is, but most importantly, making it relevant to all aspects of your life on a daily basis - making it work FOR you in large ways and small.
And make no mistake, the Daily MicroDoses go much further than being *just* a reminder - we go far deeper into NLP than you can in a live training because we have a whole year sliced up into 2 - 5 minute juicy chunks of goodness and you can explore some things in smaller slices that might have been missed in an all-day course!
What if there was a super affordable, super simple solution?
- What if you could actually get that daily whisper of NLP expertise in your ear?
- What if it only took a few minutes a day to incorporate NLP deeply into your life?
- What if it came at a very reasonable investment?
- What if it came with a guarantee?
- What if it came with an online community to continue the learning between lessons?
- What if there was a monthly live training?
- What if it wasn't a what if?
Introducing Daily NLP MicroDoses
Quick daily NLP lessons, 3-5 minutes in duration, first thing every day, full of great wisdom for the day.
It has always been my dream to have people with various levels of experience all take the same training and get massive value from it and that's why the MicroDose training is so cool. This daily course delivers massive value regardless if you're a beginner, have just taken your first Practitioner, or are a seasoned expert.
But if you have, and you’re like 99% of my former students, you took NLP to help others and/or yourself and probably absolutely fricking loved it whill the course ran. NLP almost certainly changed your life...buuuuut when’s the last time you actually used it? I mean really used it?
You invested the money, you invested the time, but the answer is probably something like “Woah…I’m not sure but it’s probably been a long time…but I'm doing it all unconsciously...probably..."
I can't count how many NLP trained people I've met over the years who insist they (must) do NLP all the time unconsciously....but don't. That's not a negative judgment - it's because that's what life does. We learn something new but don't take the extra step to incorporate it into our worlds and it falls by the side.
"NLP MicroDoses are like taking a Multivitamin every day but with measurable results!!"
The most amazing thing about the MicroDoses is they allow me to do a much deeper dive into small obscure insights into NLP that I have realized over the years, but don't get to teach as much as I'd like to.
When I train NLP Certification, there's a requirement to include certain aspects of sometimes some insights get left off the table because we don't have enough time (although with 20 days, you'd think we would!).
EVERY DAY FOR THE NEXT YEAR you will get a short 2-5 minute "MicroDose" lesson of NLP to start the day. It may be:
- A Lesson
- A concept.
- An insight.
- A tool.
- A technique
- A Framework
In this format, in such an unobtrusive way, you will get to learn so many small pieces of NLP, each of which is a little 'aha!' that you take with you for the entire day.
You get deep dives into:
- Anchoring
- Languaging
- Conscious Communication
- Unconscious Communication
- Decoding Body Language
- Framing
- Reframing
- An enormous understanding of the Body/Mind connection
- ...and so much more...
...because there are 366 lessons, each of which has been hand crafted (believe me - they have NOT been slapped together) to convey as much rich information as possible so you will learn all year long!
OMG SIGN ME UP!!NLP Daily MicroDoses
That is what you are investing in and what you will get.
But...what's the catch?
There is no catch.
I had a conversation with a former student a couple of months ago. When I told him about this course, he immediately told me, “Sell it for $1997, but it's worth $5000 for sure!”. (truth is he said he would pay $5,000 for it)
When I asked what was behind his statement he was adamant that the value of having a 3-5 minute training video was an incredibly powerful tool and that's what he would expect to pay for it.
Then I showed him the actual videos and he was even more convinced.
But I’m not.
Make no mistake, the MicroDoses are worth that much and more, but that goes against what I’m trying to do here. NLP is such an incredibly useful foundational tool to becoming the most effective human you can be, I can’t in good conscience price it out of reach for lots of people.
So the investment is going to be a fraction of what my student suggested - $47/month!
I want in!!!I am so Confident YOU WILL LOVE NLP MicroDoses I'm offering a simple 30-day Money Back Guarantee!!!
The only reason you might be hesitating is risk. I know - we've all been ripped off. We've all stood on the edge of something that looks so awesome and what happens? We get nervous... We get worried... We play the what-if game.
I'll put all the risk on me. because we don't want unhappy money.
So if for whatever reason you decide this program isn't for you within the first 30 days, send an email to [email protected] and we'll take care of you.
Alllright - I'm in!!But Wait... There's More! (yeah yeah I know...)
Actually there really is more.
My very good friend and the finest hypnotist I know, Mike Mandel is unbelievably talented and let me tell you why.
Mike spent literally 4 decades traveling the world doing stage hypnosis in front of enormous crowds.
Then he transitioned his enormous skillset to working one-on-one in a clinical setting with clients for several years while doing stage shows.
Then he turned his prodigious talent toward teaching and for years taught Ericksonian Hypnosis within my NLP Trainings at NLPWORKS trainings.
But then, Mike's next act was to open the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy where he and his partner Chris Thompson have created the world's best online hypnosis training (and that's putting it mildly.) They also offer live trainings twice a year.
Mike (and Chris) have generously offered a killer bonus to everyone who takes the NLP MicroDose training!!
So included with the MicroDoses, you will also get Mike's Self Hypnosis course valued at $197 (although it is worth much more!)
LET ME IN!!Are the MicroDoses for people who know NLP?
How much time a day do the MicroDoses take?
Are the MicroDoses for people who want to learn NLP?
Is there a particular time of day I should view the lesson?
How is this different than other online NLP Trainings?
Is this an NLP Certification Course?
So what we're talking about here is this:
NLP MicroDoses Daily Training
- 366 2 to 5-minute daily reflections and lessons on every aspect of NLP
- A request and task connected to each one
- Future pacing it to enhance stickiness
- Delivered fresh every morning
- Priming every single day with great NLP content
- Solidifying your training regardless of where you learned NLP
- Different takes on NLP
- Mining things deeper and from different perspectives
- Suitable for beginners all the way through to experts
- An AMAZING Self Hypnosis Course from Mike Mandel (valued at $197)
- Access to an Exclusive Facebook Community (valued at $97)
- Monthly Lives into the group plus Q&A (valued at $47/month)
Massive massive value for a fraction of the price that will disappear soon!
So are you in?
YEP...I'm in!