NLPWORKS has your back!!

120 Hour NLP Practitioner Training Begins April 2024. Click below for details.

NLP Practitioner Training

The most complete NLP Training in Canada is back with 120 live instructor-led hours over 3 months. Learn in non-working hours, from the comfort of your own home. No pre-requisite required for this training. 

Certified Practitioner

Master Practitioner Training

Take your learning up a full notch with our Master Practitioner training. As you learn, you have additional tasks and a modelling assignment. Applications are open for April 2024 cohort. (pre-requisite NLP Practitioner)

Master Practitioner

Post Practitioner Training

Regardless of how much NLP you have learned in the past, we live in a use-it-or-lose-it reality. Our Post-Practitioner trainings will help you not only keep your NLP fresh, but take it up a few notches. No pre-requisite required. 


Two Step

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